Saturday, August 16, 2014

When Knowings Visit


Even those wired to feel perpetual astonishment,
awed by life despite its darkest overwhelmings,
could face a time when wonder ceases -
and at that moment wonder
if it matters.  And if so,
what then? 
    And if not, 
        what then?
In either case, an astonishing conversation might take place
of what one can live without, or in spite of,
or without which life's not "Life",
as Life waits listening at the side,
its bag of gifts and horrors, 
never-to-be's, unimagined possibles,
opening and closing
opening and closing
opening and closing..

Such wonderings arrive,
on reading how others have met and dealt with
the cloudy grey of life's tossed mix
of the ever-meshing Dark and Light,
'mid one's own 'knowings'.