Scene from an old Polish movie - three guys out in the woods, at night, dancing by a creek.
The song is Greek, they sing it in both languages.
At a family picnic some time ago here in Quebec, everyone broke out singing to a tune I'd recognized as "City of New Orleans" - But here it's known as "Salut les amoureux" and it's not about a train but a popular sad love song, made famous by American singer-songwriter Joe Dassin.
I wrote about it a couple of years ago in a posting about trains, showing the lyrics to both versions. Like the scene from the video above, it reminded me that music transcends borders, we borrow and sing each other's words, we dance to each other's rhythms.
So, some music today - my personal antidote to the daily blast of world news streaming loss and hardship and death, politics, hatred, stupidity, nonsense, drones, who's at war with who. How about a poem set to music, actors dancing together in a filmstrip, others joining in alone from their kitchen. We're all connected. :)